Lots of shopping and dining in both directions on Charlestons main street.
Waterfront Park
Vendue Range, Concord St, Charleston, SC 29401, USA
Riley Waterfront Park is one of Charlestons most popular places to unwind. This ten-acre park overlooks both Charleston Harbor and Cooper River and offers waterfront and off-the-water paths to tread upon.
Rainbow Row
83-107 E Bay St, Charleston, SC 29401, USA
(803) 528-8317
Rainbow Row is a famous series of 13 houses along Charleston’s East Bay Street. With its captivating, eponymous bright colors, Rainbow Row is one of the most photo-worthy locations in the city. Each pastel home has its own fascinating history and architecture. Theories as to why the houses are so brightly colored range from the colors helping drunk sailors find their way home more easily, to their allowing merchants to indicate what wares they sold, to their ability to keep the buildings cooler during hot summers.
Angel Oak Tree
3688 Angel Oak Rd, Johns Island, SC 29455, USA
(843) 559-3496
Known as one of the most beautiful trees in the world, Angel Oak is another Charleston treasure. It is between 400 and 500 years old, making it one of the oldest living trees east of the Mississippi, and its canopy shades more than 17,000 square feet.
White Point Garden
2 Murray Blvd, Charleston, SC 29401
White Point Garden is located in the heart of the historic district downtown. This park provides beautiful views of Fort Sumter and of the Charleston Harbor. The park features lots of grass space, shaded by beautiful old oak trees. The park has a gazebo in the center and features a rich display of history, including an impressive display of Civil War cannons, and several monuments and statues. Take a break from your walk and rest in the shade on some of the benches that line the pathways throughout the park.